Friday 11 December 2015


A picture finished and finally arrived successfully to the buyer, tack Eva!

And two stages of another picture.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Brev till en Syster. Brev från en Syster. Letter to a Sister. Letter from a Sister.

Jag och min syster Pia har en del gemensamt, en av dem är att vi båda gillar och jobbar med konst och hantverk. Vi har funderat på olika projekt tillsammans. Men vi bor i olika städer, i olika länder. Så vi startade ett långsamt projekt, Brevväxling med bilder i A5, dom är broderade, ritade och påbörjade men inte färdiga på länge. Åker snigelpost fram och tillbaka. En dag blir det en utställning kanske.

I and my sister Pia have some things in common, one of them are our like for and work with art and handicraft. We have been thinking about different projects together. But we live in different cities, different countries. So we started a slow moving project, Exchange of letters with images in A5, they are embroideries, drawings and started but not finished in a long time. Travelling snail Mail back and forward. One day there may be an exhibition.

Här är några av dom. Some of the work.

Friday 21 August 2015

The Slowness Art

The detailed art. The smallness in art.
I use thin thread in crochet, it takes long time. But it becomes something interesting, light and fragile but also a distinct form. Together with drawing it is so exciting.
The slowness art.

Monday 2 March 2015

Working on.

Some pictures I am working with.
Combining pencil, pen and textile.
It is interesting to see figurative drawing 
in relationship with something abstract 
and see how they communicate. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Trying to make art here.

Making pieces around themes like belonging, loneliness and longing. It is going slow and it is complicated

I am working towards an exhibition, feeling so nervous!